The CE Reader


The CE Reader is an assorted list of reading material, devised by members of our research project to give a broader audience a quick, concise but substantial overview of current state of literature in the fields of physics, politics, ethics, economics, rationalities, history, psychology and science knowledge and uncertainty, as well as assorted press articles.






Lenton, T. M. & Vaughan, N. E. (2009). The radiative forcing potential of different climate geoengineering options, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 9: 5539-5561. 

Rasch, P. J.; Tilmes, S.; Turco, R. P.; Robock, A.; Oman, L.; Chen, C.-C. (J. & Stenchikov, G. L. (2008). An Overview of Geoengineering of Climate using Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 366(1882): 4007-4037. 

Latham, J.; Rasch, P.; Chen, C. & et al. (2008). Global temperature stabilization via controlled albedo enhancement of low-level maritime clouds, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 366: 3969-3987. 

Strong, A.; Chisholm, S.; Miller, C. & Cullen, J. (2009). Ocean fertilization: time to move on, Nature 461: 347-348. 

Angel, R. (2006). Feasibility of cooling the Earth with a cloud of smallspacecraft near the inner Lagrange point (L1). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103(46): 17184-17189.



Politics (geography, politics, law)


Benn, S., Dunphy, D. and Martin, A., (2009). Governance of environmental risk: New approaches to managing stakeholder involvement, Journal of Environmental Management 90: S. 1567-1575.

Blackstock, Jason (2010). The International Politics of Geoengineering Research, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-14570-1.

Blackstock, Jason and Long, Jane (2010). The Politics of Geoengineering, Science 29 January 2010: Vol. 327 no. 5965 p. 527.

Blackstock, Jason and Miller, Clark (ed.) (2010). The Governance of Climate Geoengineering: "Science, Ethics, Politics and Law".

Davidson, D. J. and Frickel, S., (2004). Understanding environmental governance - A critical review, Organization and Environment 17: S. 471-492.

Deere-Bikbeck, C. (2009). Global governance in the context of climate change: the challenges of increasingly complex risk parameters, International Affairs 85: S. 1173-1194.

Greene, Charles (2010). Shifting the Debate on Geoengineering, Science 7 May 2010: Vol. 328 no. 5979 pp. 690-691.

Horton, Joshua B. (2011): Geoengineering and the Myth of Unilateralism: Pressures and Prospects for International Cooperation, in: Stanford Journal of Law, Science & Policy, Vol. IV, p. 56-69.

Humphreys. David (2011). Smoke and Mirrors: Some Reflections on the Science and Politics of Geoengineering, The Journal of Environment Development 20: 99 originally published online 16.

Pidgeon, N. Butler, C., (2009). Risk analysis and climate change, Environmental Politics 18: S. 670-688.

Schelling, Thomas C., (1996). The Economic Diplomacy of Geoengineering, Climatic Change 33: S. 303-307.

Walker, W., (2003). Defining Uncertainty: A Conceptual Basis for Uncertainty Management in Model-Based Decission Support, Integrated Assessment 4: S. 5-17.

Bodansky, Daniel, (1996). May we engineer the Climate?, 33 Climatic Change, 309-321 .

Davis, William D., (2009) Note: What does “green” mean?: Anthropogenic Climate Change, Geoengineering, and International Environmental Law, 43 Georgia Law Review, 901-951.

Davies, Gareth T., Law and Policy Issues of Unilateral Geoengineering: Moving to a Managed World (January 29, 2009)

Deere-Bikbeck, Caroyn, 2009: Global governance in the context of climate change: the challenges of increasingly complex risk parameters, in: International Affairs 85, S. 1173-1194.

Keohane, Robert O./Victor, David G. (2010): The Regime Complex for Climate Change, Discussion Paper 10-33, Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard       Kennedy School,

Kraemer, Andreas (2010): Schöner leben im Labor? Geo-Engineering und das Recht, die Welt zu verändern, in: Internationale Politik Januar/Februar 2010.

Maccracken, Michael C., (2006). Geoengineering: Worthy of cautious evaluation? , 77 Climatic Change, 235–243.

Robock, Alan (2009): Testimony before the House Committee on Science and Technology Hearing, “Geoengineering: Assessing the Implications of Large-Scale Climate Intervention,” November 5, 2009.

Robock, Alan/ Bunzl, Martin/Kravitz, Ben/Stenchikov, Georgiy (2010): A Test for Geoengineering, in: Science 327, pp. 530-531.

Robock, Alan/ Marquardt, Allison B./Kravitz, Ben/ Stenchikov, Georgiy (2009): Benefits, risks, and costs of stratospheric geoengineering, in: Geophysical Research Letters 36: L. 19703, pp. 1-9.

Soltau, Friedrich (2009): Fairness in International Climate Law and Policy, Cambridge University Press.

Victor, David G., On the regulation of geoengineering, 24 Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 322–336 (2008)

Victor, David G./Morgan, Granger M. /Apt, Jay/Steinbruner, John/Ricke, Kathrine (2009): The Geoengineering Option. A last resort against global warming? in:   Foreign Affairs 88: 2, pp. 64-67.

Virgoe, John (2009): International governance of a possible geo-engineering intervention to combat climate change, in: Climatic Change 95: 1, pp. 103-119.

Wiertz, T. and D. Reichwein (i.E.). "Geoengineering zwischen Klimapolitik und Völkerrecht: Status quo und Perspektiven." Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis.

Zedalis, Rex J., Climate Change and the National Academy of Science’s Idea of Geoengineering: One American Academic’s Perspective on First Considering the Text of Existing International Agreements, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 18-32 (February 2010)



Jamieson, Dale (1996): Ethics and intentional climate change, in: Climatic Change 33: 3, pp. 323-336.

Ott, Konrad (2010): Die letzte Versuchung. Geo-Engineering als Ausweg aus der Klimapolitik?, In: Internationale Politik Januar/Februar 2010.





Barret, Scott (2008): The Incredible Economics of Geoengineering, in: Environmental and Resource Economics 39: 1, pp. 45-54.

Carolyn Kousky, Olga Rostapshova, Michael Toman, Richard Zeckhauser (2009). Responding to Threats of Climate Change Mega-Catastrophes

Goeschl, Timo, Heyen, Daniel and Moreno-Cruz, Juan (2010). Long-term environmental problems and strategic intergenerational transfers, Working paper.

Moreno-Cruz, Juan (2010). Mitigation and the geoengineering threat, Working paper.

Moreno-Cruz, Juan and Keith, David (2009): Climate Change under Uncertainty: A Case for Geoengineering, Calgary, CA.

Moreno-Cruz, J.B. and Smulders, S. (2010). Revisiting the economics of climate change: The
role of geoengineering, Working paper.

Moreno-Cruz, J.B., Ricke,K.L. and Keith. D.W. (2011). A simple model to account for regional inequalities in the e ectiveness of solar radiation management, Climatic Change.

Rickels, W.  and Lontzek, T.S. (2011). Optimal global carbon management with ocean sequestration. Oxford Economic Papers.

Robock, A., A. Marquardt, B. Kravitz, and G. Stenchikov (2009), Benefits, risks, and costs of stratospheric geoengineering, Geophysical Research Letters, 36(19):L19703.

Schelling, Thomas (1996): The economic diplomacy of Geoengineering, in: Climatic Change 33: 3, pp: 303-307




Gardiner, S. (forthcoming). Is 'Arming the Future' with Geoengineering Really the Lesser Evil? Some Doubts about the Ethics of Intentionally Manipulating the Climate System. Climate Ethics. S. M. Gardiner, S. Caney, D. Jamieson and H. Shue. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Liverman, D. (2009). Conventions of climate change: constructions of danger and the dispossession of the atmosphere. Journal of Historical Geography 35(2): 279-296.

Okereke, C., H. Bulkeley, et al. (2009). Conceptualizing Climate Governance Beyond the International Regime. Global Environmental Politics 9(1): 58-78.

Pidgeon, N. and C. Butler (2009). Risk analysis and climate change. Environmental Politics 18(5): 670-688.

Todt, O. and J. L. Lujan (2008). A new social contract for technology? On the policy dynamics of uncertainty. Journal of Risk Research 11(4): 509-523.

Toman, M. (2006). Values in the Economics of Climate Change. Environmental Values 15: 365-379.





Cronin, M. A., Gonzalez, C. (2007). Understanding the building blocks of system dynamics. System Dynamics Review. 23 (1): 1-17.

Cronin, M. A., Gonzalez, C., Sterman, J. D. (2009). Why don’t well-educated adults understand accumulation? A challenge to researchers, educators and citizens. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 108: 116-130.

Sterman, J. D., Sweeney, L. B. (2002). Cloudy skies: assessing public understanding of global warming. System Dynamics Review 18 (2): 207-240.

Sterman, J. D., Sweeney, L. B. (2007). Understanding public complacency about climate change: adults’ mental models of climate change violate conservation of matter. Climatic Change 80: 213-238.

Wilke, M., Haug, H., Funke, J. (2008). Risk-Specific Search for Risk Defusing Operators. Swiss Journal of Psychology 67 (1): 29-40.




Keith, David W. (2000): Geoengineering the Climate: History and Prospect. In: Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 25: 1, pp. 245-284.

Schneider, Stephen H. (1996): Geoengineering: Could - or should - we do it? In: Climatic Change 33: 3, pp. 291-302.

Wiertz, T. (i.E.). "Wettermacher und Klimaingenieure im Wandel der Zeit." Politische Ökologie.



Science, Knowledge and Uncertainty


Pielke, Roger A. (2007): The Honest Broker. Making sense of science in policy and politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Solomon, Susan/ Plattnerb, Gian-Kasper/Knuttic, Reto/ Friedlingsteind, Pierre (2008): Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions, PNAS 1704 –1709,


Press Articles


Drösser, Christoph: Wer bekommt die Welt in den Griff?, in: Die Zeit, Nr. 10, 4.3.2010, S. 29 f.

Interview Goeschl, Timo: Das Klima beeinflussen?, in: Ruperto Carola, Nr. 1, 2010, S. 40 f.  [PDF]

Julia von Sengbusch: Sonnencreme für die Atmosphäre, Spektrum direct, 03.03.2010. spektrumdirekt



Responsible: M.Bräunche
Latest Revision: 2011-08-29